Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Parody by LeoB (2023)

Don't Talk to Me

This is a parody of the song 'Creep' by Radiohead and is about a spam caller draining someone's bank account after they were stupid enough to give up their password. While I was trying to come up with funny lyrics for a different song, I was watching a GTA gameplay video from the Sleep Deprived Podcast youtube channel. In the video one of the guys, Apandah, quietly said “I'm a memer” to the tune of Creep, followed by “i'm a Redditor. The hell am I doing here?”. one of the other youtubers, Aztrosist, joined in with “I'm a Chungus” referencing the meme of fat Bugs Bunny.

In “Don't Talk to Me,” we chose to sing about our shared experience with panic attacks and social anxiety as a parody of “Don't Stop Me Now” by Queen. We found humor in taking such an uplifting, song and turning it into something more angsty and relatable to many teenagers.

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